How to use AVOCADO Store Dashboard
Account & Login
5 STEPS 1 This is a walk-through for login into AVOCADO Store Dashboard. You can login using your email address and password provided to you by AVOCADO. The first step is to open Avocado Dashboard and click Email Address * 2 Type Email Address * and Press Tab 3 Type Password * 4 Click Lets Go 5 That's it. You're done. Please note you can a
Add a payment method
10 STEPS This is a walk-through on how to add a payment method. Payment method is needed to allow publishing of any changes to the app. 1 Please note, a payment method needs to be setup to publish any changes to your store or product listing. The first step is to open Avocado Dashboard and click Settings 2 Please add a credit card or debit card
Create a store
18 STEPS 1 This is a walkthrough of how to create a store in AVOCADO Dashboard. The first step is to open Avocado Dashboard and click Stores 2 To add a new store Click Add Store 3 Fill out Name of the store. Click Name * 4 Type Name * 5 Then add the Retailer type, it is important to choose the correct retail type so that users can discover
Create a location
21 STEPS 1 This is a walk-through on how to add a location for your store. Please note if your store has multiple locations, please create multiple locations in AVOCADO Dashboard. Please open Avocado Dashboard and click on Locations 2 Click Add Location 3 Click Select Store and Select appropriate store that this location belongs to 4 Click
Bulk Upload Items using .csv file
9 STEPS 1 The first step is to open Items on AVOCADO Dashboard and click Upload CSV 2 The labels on left side are column names on the csv file. The drop downs are mapping options available to map each column. You can Select Mapping to map each column to the correct attribute on the AVOCADO Dashboard. 3 Map the correct attribute. In this case P
Bulk Delete Items
9 STEPS 1 The first step is to open Items and click Search... Please note you can search by name, id, location id, department, aisle etc. 2 Type Search keyword... and Press Enter. You will now see items that match the search criteria 3 You can see 4 items are showing up below. Make sure you have the correct items below that you want to Delete.
Add a Shopper
To receive orders, please add shopper details on AVOCADO Shopping Dashboard. Please make sure the phone number is a mobile phone so that you can receive text messages. Once you add a shopper, they will receive an email invite. Please follow the steps in the invite to start receiving orders on the app 8 STEPS 1 The first step is to open Avocado Das
Store URL
You can find your store URL here. You can add this to your website so users can know that you provide Same Day Delivery. To find your store URL for same day delivery. Simply click on Stores and select appropriate store. See Store URL in the image below
How to update an image?
1. Go to Items 2. Search for the item for which you want to update the image 3. Double click the image, a file popup will open 4. Upload the new image. 5. Click on Publish Now. It takes 2-3 hours for changes to publish on the app. If you are not able to find the item after publishing - please message us regarding the item.
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