AVOCADO provides an exclusive link for your store in AVOCADO Dashboard. On your website, you can add a link for users to order for same day delivery. All you have to do is create a button for "Same Day Delivery" and link it to the provided link. The link would look something like below:
If you have a shopify site, see step by step guide to add a link below:
1 The first step is to open Shopify Dashboard. Go to Online Store and click Navigation

2 Next Click Main menu

3 Click Add menu item

4 Click Name

5 Type Same Day Delivery as Name

6 Click Link

7 AVOCADO provides a unique link for your store in your AVOCADO dashboard. If you are having problem locating the link - email us at hello@avocadonext.com. Type your store's AVOCADO Same Day Delivery Link

8 Choose the link

9 Click Add

10 Scroll down and click Save menu

11 And that's it. You're done. Now users can order for same day delivery right from your website.

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